Giving Up Answers, 2019

  1. We are constantly haunted by the collective memory, by the history that is both known and unknown.
  2. To translate is to study languages, there are countless languages.
  3. The human archive is building up; time is speeding up.
  4. The black hole in our memories segway us to the future.

Among the many other turning points, the largest one is when Lin tell us not to focus on the answer, but the question. I have always grab onto the answer so tight, too eager to understand the unsayable and actually thought that it is understandable. This had led me at some point to believe that I am going insane. That was pretty scary.

By practicing giving up answers I have discover poetry. I have discovered that the answer is often contained in the question itself when the question is asked correctly. Our minds are capable of answering most of the questions when we are quiet and honest enough. This is when question becomes poetry that contains anser. There is no longer distinction between poetry, question, and answer; where all becomes one and one becomes all.

Why poetry works: When making an argument for the answer one must first define the scope and the perspective. Poetry disregard this rule, many scopes and both perspectives are contained in poetry. This is why poetry works, and why poetry can never become an argument. That is also why I can explain an argument, but I can never explain poetry. Poetry explains itself.

Perhaps our world would be a better one if people understand poetry.

I have come to realize that life is better to be lived than to conceptualize. My goal as an artist and a being have shifted from “to understand the unsayable” to live; and make poetry.